How to give my opinion on creator-generated content?

As a brand, you have the option to rate the content generated by a creator. Your rating will be added to the creator's overall average rating.

When creating a new campaign, you can choose the highest-rated creators to obtain quality content.

How do I provide feedback on content?

Posts Gifted Reviews 
Go to the REPORTS Menu:
  • Click on the Content tab
  • Click on the post you want to rate
  • Then, click on the smiley of your choice: Negative - Neutral - Positive
    Post IM.png

Go to the REPORTS Menu:

  • Click on the Gifted Reviews tab
  • Click on the review you want to rate
  • Then, click on the smiley of your choice: Negative - Neutral - Positive
    Gifted Reviews - give opinion.svg

Keep in mind that reporting content must be objective.

The reason "I don't like the content" will not be valid, for example.

Where can I find a creator's rating?

Find a creator's rating by clicking on the INFLUENCERS tab, then selecting their profile.

You'll then be able to view:

  • Your rating, if you have already rated them
  • Their overall rating

EN - Influencer global score (1).svg


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