Creators don't respect the guidelines

Despite your instructions, it is possible that some creators may not fully adhere to your brief.

Unnatural filters, profane langage, not responding to your messages? You probably don't want this to happen again.

We can help ensure your creators adhere to the guidelines with these 5 best practices:

1. Send a mass message to all the accepted creators

Communication is key: After accepting influencers, don't hesitate to send a mass message to welcome them and make sure the briefing is clear by sending the instructions again.

Sending a message straight away to your influencers opens the communication. They will then probably not be afraid to ask questions to make sure to create the best content possible!

2. Ask the creator to reshoot the content

If the content is not as expected, you can eventually ask the creator to do it again by sticking more to the guidelines.

To do so: simply go the message tab to contact them and gently explain why and how they should reshoot their content.

3. Give a bad review or block the creator

If you absolutely don't like the type of content an influencer is creating, if it does not match your Brand image at all, or simply because they are not responding to your messages: you have the option to give a bad review by using the sad smiley face.

You can also block the influencer to make sure they won't be able to see and apply to your campaigns anymore.

4. Correctly fill out the Do&Don't section

To ensure that content creators publish content that will be validated by the platform, it is necessary to thoroughly complete the Instruction part of your campaign. Indeed, creator must know what you expect them to show or not.

The Do's & Don'ts section is particularly important! Please read this article to make sure you give the best instructions possible.

5. Use Suggested profiles

Use the feature Suggested profiles to ensure you choose the good profiles that align with your campaign and creators brief.

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