How to contact Brands?

We will show you how to contact brands in a few easy steps:

We are an intermediary between brands and influencers. Our role is to facilitate your communication during your collaboration.

For different reasons, you might have to contact the brands directly: shipment information, promo code, winner contact information, or simply any information that only the brand can provide.

If you are not registered as an influencer and can only see Gifted Reviews campaigns: you cannot contact the brand.

We advise you to send a message to the brand on Instagram. Please don't contact their Customer Service, as it's not the same department that manages Skeepers' campaigns.

If you haven't received a reply after 72 hours: please contact us through our Contact Icon on the platform.

App version

  • Open your Skeepers App
  • Click on the message Icon on the top right corner:

  • Type the name of the Brand you need to contact
  • Write your message, and send it!

Web version

  • Once logged in to Skeepers, open the Inbox on the top of the screen
  • Click on "New Message"
  • Then, type the name of the brand you want to contact
  • Finally, write your message

There you go, the message has been sent, you now just have to wait for the Brand's response!

From the Orders Page, you can access the brand's profile by clicking on the brand name in the campaign.

On the profile, you will be able to check the average response time for this brand.

This will give you an idea of the average waiting time before receiving a reply.

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