Why has my review been reported by the brand? What should I do now?

If the brand is not satisfied with your review, then they may report it. Here's what happens next:


1. Skeepers Team will look at your Review:

To determine if it does or doesn't meet Skeepers' quality Review Guidelines.


2. If your review does not meet Skeepers' quality review guidelines:

The Review will then be deleted from your reviews on Skeepers and you will have 5 days to publish a new one.


Please note that after 2 deleted Reviews for the same order, your credit for this order will be expired, and you will lose your credit forever.

After 3 credits expired, your Influencer Marketing account can be deactivated.

By following the Skeepers Golden Rules, we will all improve the overall quality at Skeepers! 


Remember, quality is your Best Business Plan!


💡 Top 5 Best Practices on Skeepers

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