Who is in charge of sending my package?

Didn't receive your package, there's a problem with the received products, and you don't know who to turn to?

Follow these steps to find out who is responsible for sending your package.


  1. From the Skeepers app or website, go to the ORDERS tab.
  2. Click on the campaign related to your delivery issue.
  3. Click on :
    • Website : "View the campaign"
    • Mobile app : The title or photo of the campaign
  4. On this page, it will indicate "Delivered by..."

Switch to Business.gif

What to do next?

If the brand is responsible for the shipment

Contact the brand directly via Skeepers or their social media. We won't have more information than you regarding your package.

How to contact the brands?

If you don't get a response from the brand after 72 hours on Skeepers, Instagram, and other social media, please contact us via the contact icon.

If Skeepers is responsible for the shipment

Use the contact icon to report your issue. You can also report a logistical problem from the ORDERS tab by clicking on the relevant campaign, then on "Report a delivery issue".

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